This quote from the Star story is particularly magnificent:
Wow, did you catch a mighty whiff of desperation blowing off that quote, or is it just me? There are "probably" many thousands of children being warehoused in covert facilities or kept at home, their families' secret shame! At this very moment! Probably!
There's a pleasant reality check here from the National Post's Andrew Coyne, who wrote this column last week. (Thanks to Molly for linking to it in the comments section of my second carseat post.) Coyne calculates that the odds of giving yourself a head injury during any given toboggan run are approximately 1 in a million. Stay away from toboggan hills near roads, and your risk of death falls to 1 in 50 million: compare this to your risk of being killed by lightening, usually cited as 1 in 10 million.
..both, probably.
I mean really. Avoid trees and roads, and that about covers it, doesn't it? Assuming we're not talking about Kennedys here.
Perhaps the solution is to ban Kennedys...
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