Those who know me, know me well enough to know that I'm mighty touchy about my birthday on December 30th. Falling as it does in that post-Christmas trough between the merry opening of gifts and the welcoming of the new year, my birthday is often difficult to make special. OK, I admit it -- I have birthday issues.
However, even three decades of birthday ho-humity could not compare with the anguish I felt after reading this list of American Food Holidays. While it thrilled me to learn that there is such a thing as National Pistachio Day (Jan. 26 -- tomorrow!), Drink Wine Day (Feb. 18), Garlic Day (April 19), I was shocked and disgusted to learn that my natal day is...National Bicarbonate of Soda Day!
What the fuck?
That's not even a food. It's an additive, a rising agent, a chemical. It has its own chemical symbol. Celebratory foods should not have their own chemical symbol.
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